endorses the Action Plan for 2016

2015-12-14 Extraordinary General Assembly

  • The assembly formed by member companies of the association approved the action lines for 2016
  • A Social council, integrated by diverse organizations, was created

The association’s general assembly took place on Monday -before Awards- and approved the action plan that includes goals and forecasting activity taking place during next year.

President Josep Santacreu showed satisfaction with the work done since the creation of on February, setting the bases for the future development of the organization and the implementation of initiatives such as Awards or RSE.Pime program to encourage the management of CSR by SMEs. Likewise, he also welcomed the addition of 14 new members produced in the last half year, while the incorporation of a new company, Mutua Terrassa, was accepted, which happens to be the number 52. [information on inclusion 12 and two new members] wants to be the hub of CSR in Catalonia

Action Plan for 2016 is defined by continuity of the lines started in 2015 but it has been enriched and prioritized from the dialogue session that took place in October. It is intended to conduct an annual session as a way to draw lines of action in a participatory way and also open doors to new member companies to feel jointly responsible for planning.

In this sense, the Plan reflects the willingness shown to become the hub of CSR in Catalonia. This objective explores the foundational purpose of  to be the reference business body for CSR in Catalonia, and specifically in the sense of developing working networks that can also integrate companies that are not necessarily members, which is suggested for example, from the intention to lead the Sustainable Development Goals in Catalonia, in collaboration with other agencies.

Other items included in the Action Plan would be structuring of meeting, interaction and dialogue between business and society and the development of a code of ethics through a working group. The Plan, which was approved by assent, also included a forecast budget since, as provided in the bylaws, the budget for the year must be approved at the ordinary assembly that must take place in the first half 2016 along with the accounts of the previous year.

The assembly also approved the creation and composition of the Social council, a body provided in the bylaws, and was approved by the assembly, indicating the opportunity to convoke the first meeting on the first quarter of 2016.

The coordinator of the association showed a report of the activities carried out this year and presented the poster with the CRS Ideas & Values, which had tu be publicly proclaimed during the Awards ceremony. The creation of this innitiative and its content is the result of the Communication Commission, where representatives from member companies participate..

32 member companies participated in the assembly, and others excused attendance due to dates. The meeting also served to ratify Mercè Mullor, president of Mullor, SA as vice president of the association, replacing the representative of Aigües de Barcelona, ​​Ignasi Fainé. [See current composition of the Board]

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